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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Caroling

Don't forget to attend the family Christmas caroling event on Saturday, December 17th!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Incarnation Unit -- Week 5

Begin planning a birthday party in honor of Jesus.  Use the following site as a resource.  Invite friends, neighbors, family members and tell them what you've learned about the Incarnation. 

Happy Birthday Jesus Resources

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Incarnation Unit -- Week 4

As we are getting closer to Christmas, we encourage your family to make a nativity scene to give to an unbelieving friend, neighbor, or relative.  When you deliver this gift, be sure to tell them about how God loved us so much that he became a man.  Check out the links below for a few patterns and ideas that will help you with this.

Printable Nativity Craft
Nativity Pop-Up Card
Nativity Thumbprint Card
Christmas Corner Bookmark

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Incarnation Unit -- Week 3

Advent Christmas Countdown
Each day in December, we encourage you to take part in activities that will help your family celebrate Christmas and the birth of Christ.  Visit the Daily Activity Guide for ideas.  We especially encourage you to use the Advent Scripture Verse resource.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Incarnation Unit -- Week 2

This week we encourage you to watch a few video clips online and discuss the meaning of the memory verse.  "The Word became flesh..."

Then, allow your child(ren) to color/create their own nativity scenes at the interactive sites listed below.

Video Clips:
Follow the Star
Jesus is Born
The Arrival

Interactive Sites:
Color the Nativity Scene  This site does have an advertisement that plays before you can color.
Click, Drag, and Print Nativity

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Incarnation Unit - Week 1

To introduce your family to the Incarnation unit, read Andy and the Antsan excellent parable about why God became man. 

Throughout this unit, and during this holiday season, we encourage you to use the following resource for family devotions.  Jesus is...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Plagues & Passover Unit - Week 5

It's the last week of our unit on the Plagues & Passover.  Show what you've learned!

Visit the following sites to print, complete, and assemble minibooks about the Plagues and the Passover.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Plagues & Passover Unit - Week 4

Review the 10 Plagues with your child and have a little fun at the same time!  After you complete an activity, just be sure to talk about how God was faithful, even through the Plagues.  Use the following ideas and/or make up some of your own!
If you need to review the Scriptures, check out Exodus 7:14-24, 8-12:1-30

Game Ideas

Leap Frog

Directions: Children must hop over each other's backs while going down a line. Once a child reaches the end of the line, he bends over in front, and the last person gets to go next. Play as long as desired or time allows.

Directions: One parent assumes the role of leader in this game. The children must move around acting like cattle (make moo sounds, etc.). When the parent says "freeze," all of the children must lie down and be as still as possible. When the leader sees a child moving, she will tap them on the shoulder and they have to get up. They are out of the game. The last person lying still is the winner.

Blind Guy
Directions: Find a dark piece of material (bandana, old t-shirt, scrap of material, etc.) to wrap around your child's eyes so they can experience walking around without being able to see.  Then, if your think your child can handle it, turn off all lights inside the house.  The blindfold and the lack of light should help your child understand what it was like to wander in complete darkness like the Israelites.

Bug Snacks

A good snack for this lesson would be bug snacks. Use oval crackers for the body, pretzels and peanut butter for the legs, and raisins for the eyes. Yummy!

Fish in the Water Snack


  • 2 boxes cherry Jello
  • 1 can fruit cocktail, drained well
  • Gummy fish
  • Small glass fish bowl


  1. Make the Jello according the package.
  2. Put drained fruit cocktail in the bottom of the fish bowl and pour the Jello over top. Place in the refrigerator to set.
  3. When thickened, remove the fish bowl and add gummy fish. Place them in the "water" above the fruit cocktail.
  4. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Plagues & Passover Unit - Week 3

Review the story of the Plagues and Passover together as a family using this online storybook.

Then, visit to see if you can remember the correct order of the Plagues.  After you put them in the right order, a special word will appear.  Parents, this is a great opportunity to talk with your children about God's plan for salvation!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Plagues & Passover Unit - Week 1

This month we will be learning about the Plagues & Passover.  The following website is produced by a Jewish organization, but it details the story and importance for the Israelites of the Plagues and Passover well.  Parents, be sure to point out the Hebrew writing!

FYI:  There is some debate as to whether the fourth plague was flies or wild animals. 
(עָרוֹב): Ex. 8:20–32
This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies upon you and your officials, on your people and into your houses. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies, and even the ground where they are.
— Exodus 8:20–21
The fourth plague of Egypt was of animals capable of harming people and livestock. The Torah emphasizes that the arov ("mixture" or "swarm") only came against the Egyptians, and that it did not affect the Land of Goshen (where the Israelites lived). Pharaoh asked Moses to remove this plague and promised to allow the Israelites' freedom. However, after the plague was gone, Pharaoh "hardened his heart" and again refused to keep his promise.
The word עָרוֹב has caused a difference of opinion among traditional interpreters. The root meaning is related to mixing. While most traditional interpreters understand the plague as "wild animals", Gesenius along with many modern interpreters understand the plague as a swarm of flies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Creation Unit: Week 5

This week we invite you to view this Creation Video online. It is set to a familiar song that we sing in church. What an opportunity to worship together through music as you watch some amazing pictures of God's creation.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Creation Unit: Week 4

This week we invite you to have some meaningful discussions as a family about how we should take care of God's creation.  You can use the following website to help you lead this discussion.  The interactive games asks you to make decisions about how to treat God's amazing world.  As you answer the questions you color God's creation.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Creation Unit: Week 3

This week we invite you to participate in a family fun event by making your very own Creation Light Switch Covers.  Your family can have your very own visual reminder of the beginning of the creation story!  The link below provides you with a template and video instructions.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Creation Unit: Week 2

This week we invite you to continue learning more about God's amazing creation.  A well-known organization called Answers in Genesis has a website designed specifically for kids.  As a family, spend sometime exploring through the videos, pictures, games, and printable activies that explain more about God's creation.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Creation Unit: Week 1

The 2011-2012 theme for FamilyQuest is "Witness to God's Presence." Nothing demonstrates God's majesty and creativity better than His creation. We will be learning about the creation story in Genesis in the coming weeks.

There are so many great resources on the web centered around the theme of God's creation and we just can't fit them all into 5 teaching weeks at church. We encourage you to continue learning and growing TOGETHER as a family at home and we hope these weekly activities will help!

This week we invite you to visit the following site which tells the story of creation from Genesis. Read the story together as a family and then use the interactive website to Create a Scene as you read about the creation story.