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Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Week 2013

We aren't meeting this week for FamilyQuest at church because of the Thanksgiving holiday.  But, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to disciple your children at home.   Below you will find several links with idea on how you can help your children focus on God this Thanksgiving.

How Can I Help My Children Focus on God This Thanksgiving?
Age Specific Ways to Help Your Kids Experience Thanksgiving by Focus on the Family
46 Bible Verses That Talk About Giving Thanks
10 Great Thanksgiving Books for Children

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 3

This week, have fun and play a game together as you review the story of the Good Samaritan.  Print out the game board on pg. 7 of this resource.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 2

Here are two different printable books that tell the story of the Good Samaritan.  Use them as reading practice or read aloud opportunities and be looking for ways to turn a conversation with your child to a spiritual discussion!

Printable Book #2 Cover Page, Inside Pages

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 1

Our new unit focuses on the Good Samaritan.  You may be wondering how and why we decided to put this parable within the theme of Covenant.  I'm glad you asked!

In the Old Testament, God's covenant was predominately revealed to the Jews as God's chosen people.  Yet, when Jesus came to Earth, He spent much of His ministry teaching and demonstrating that God's covenant is for all who will accept Him and choose to follow Him.  The covenant is not just for Jews but for Gentiles as well!  One parable that Jesus used to help teach this expansion of the covenant is the Good Samaritan.  Because we have been loved, we must show love to others...and hopefully we get an opportunity to share the good news of God's covenant!

We encourage you to watch either the Beginner's Bible video version of the Good Samaritan at  or to watch the Veggie Tales version titled "Are You My Neighbor?"

Then spend some time talking about how when Jesus came to Earth God no longer had to send prophets to speak to His people.  Talk about how Jesus was teaching He often used parables like the Good Samaritan.