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Friday, October 10, 2014

Quest for Identity: Israelites Weeks 1-5

This year during FamilyQuest we are on a quest for our identity. We will accomplish this by studying various characters in the Bible, discovering the characteristic(s) that identified them, and then using those as a model for a personal understanding of our own identity which we have when we are born again and are in Christ Jesus.

(Note to Parents: We need you to clearly convey that this identity is ONLY for those who have experienced salvation through Christ Jesus and are new creatures. Although it is AVAILABLE to everyone, it is not an identity that AUTOMATICALLY BELONGS to everyone.)

During this unit, we are learning that the Israelites were "Favored and Delivered".  We, too, have been favored and delivered by God, but we must 
activate our identity by reciprocating and choosing Christ!

In this unit we learn the Israelite's history in five distinct parts:
1.  in slavery
2.  wandering in the wilderness
3.  during the time of the judges
4.  during the time of the kings
5.  during the time of exile

Check out some of the following activities to help you reinforce these time periods at home with your kids!

Watch the "Prince of Egypt" in its entirety or at least this video clip titled "Deliver Us"





Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Quest for Identity: Jacob Week 5

This year during FamilyQuest we are on a quest for our identity. We will accomplish this by studying various characters in the Bible, discovering the characteristic(s) that identified them, and then using those as a model for a personal understanding of our own identity which we have when we are born again and are in Christ Jesus.

(Note to Parents: We need you to clearly convey that this identity is ONLY for those who have experienced salvation through Christ Jesus and are new creatures. Although it is AVAILABLE to everyone, it is not an identity that AUTOMATICALLY BELONGS to everyone.)

During this unit, we are learning that Jacob was "Chosen".  We, too, have been chosen but we must activate our identity by reciprocating and choosing Christ!

The story of Jacob and his 12 sons can be quite confusing.  Below you will find a link to some printable activities that might help you reteach and remember the family tree!  Remember to use this as an opportunity to discuss how God used Jacob to continue the covenant promise He made with Abraham!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Quest for Identity: Jacob Week 4

This year during FamilyQuest we are on a quest for our identity. We will accomplish this by studying various characters in the Bible, discovering the characteristic(s) that identified them, and then using those as a model for a personal understanding of our own identity which we have when we are born again and are in Christ Jesus.

(Note to Parents: We need you to clearly convey that this identity is ONLY for those who have experienced salvation through Christ Jesus and are new creatures. Although it is AVAILABLE to everyone, it is not an identity that AUTOMATICALLY BELONGS to everyone.)

During this unit, we are learning that Jacob was "Chosen".  We, too, have been chosen but we must activate our identity by reciprocating and choosing Christ!

Have you memorized the song from this unit, yet?  If not, here's a link to a video with all the lyrics.  Crank the music up at home and have a worship time together praising God that He has given us an identity.  We can shout at the top of our lungs..."I am who He says I am."  :)

I Am Who He Says I Am

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quest for Identity: Jacob Week 3

This year during FamilyQuest we are on a quest for our identity. We will accomplish this by studying various characters in the Bible, discovering the characteristic(s) that identified them, and then using those as a model for a personal understanding of our own identity which we have when we are born again and are in Christ Jesus.

(Note to Parents: We need you to clearly convey that this identity is ONLY for those who have experienced salvation through Christ Jesus and are new creatures. Although it is AVAILABLE to everyone, it is not an identity that AUTOMATICALLY BELONGS to everyone.)

During this unit, we are learning that Jacob was "Chosen".  We, too, have been chosen but we must activate our identity by reciprocating and choosing Christ!

This week we encourage you to have fun building these Jacob and Esau toilet paper crafts and reenacting the stories from scripture!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Quest for Identity: Jacob Week 2

This year during FamilyQuest we are on a quest for our identity. We will accomplish this by studying various characters in the Bible, discovering the characteristic(s) that identified them, and then using those as a model for a personal understanding of our own identity which we have when we are born again and are in Christ Jesus.

(Note to Parents: We need you to clearly convey that this identity is ONLY for those who have experienced salvation through Christ Jesus and are new creatures. Although it is AVAILABLE to everyone, it is not an identity that AUTOMATICALLY BELONGS to everyone.)

During this unit, we are learning that Jacob was "Chosen".  We, too, have been chosen but we must activate our identity by reciprocating and choosing Christ!

Below you will find a link to a jigsaw puzzle piece word matching templates for young children.  The jigsaw puzzles use picture clues and simple Bible story vocabulary for those just learning to read.  This set of puzzles includes pictures and words from the story about Jacob and Esau from Genesis Chapters 25 and 27.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Quest for Identity: Jacob Week 1

This year during FamilyQuest we are on a quest for our identity. We will accomplish this by studying various characters in the Bible, discovering the characteristic(s) that identified them, and then using those as a model for a personal understanding of our own identity which we have when we are born again and are in Christ Jesus.

(Note to Parents: We need you to clearly convey that this identity is ONLY for those who have experienced salvation through Christ Jesus and are new creatures. Although it is AVAILABLE to everyone, it is not an identity that AUTOMATICALLY BELONGS to everyone.)

During this unit, we are learning that Jacob was "Chosen".  We, too, have been chosen but we must activate our identity by reciprocating and choosing Christ!

Here are some great videos available on YouTube for you to show at home.  Hopefully they will help provide your children with background information about Jacob.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Covenant: Christ's Death & Resurrection Week 3

This week I am linking you out to several different printable activities.  Some are crafts you can put together, some are printable books that you can color and read, some are printable games that you can make and play!  Enjoy spending time together as a family and use these activities as opportunities to review the amazing gift of salvation offered to us through Christ's sacrificial death on the cross.

Printable templates for toilet paper rolls printable tp craft
Printable pictures for "Life of Jesus" cross printable cross “Life of Jesus”

Printable pattern for mobile printable mobile

Printable book & mini-book that can fit inside an easter egg!
Several printable books that tell the Easter story. (includes information about a free app)

Two printable games you can assemble and play 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Covenant: Christ's Death & Resurrection Week 1

This week we start a new unit on Christ's Death & Resurrection.  These next five weeks will lead us right up to the Wednesday before Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  This first blog post has several ideas that could help your family prepare for celebrating the Good News that Jesus is Risen!  Several of the ideas take time to prepare, purchase, or complete.  Therefore, I wanted to give you these ideas up front if they were of interest to you.  Enjoy teaching your children at home!

"Countdown to Easter" with 12 days of Jesus lessons

Purchase the "Resurrection Clue Hunt" game to play together as a family! 

Decorate a window or class door in your house!  "Adorning the Good News of Christ"

A Good Friday celebration "Leading Our Children to the Cross" 

A prayerful twist on an Easter Egg hunt!  "Easter Egg Prayers"

Friday, February 28, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Covenant: The Prodigal Son Week 5

This week enjoy Veggietale's version of the prodigal son titled "The Wonderful World of Ha's."  If you don't have the dvd, no worries!  You can watch it online here.

After you watch the movie, use the Veggietale's Viewing Guide to help you discuss what God wants us to learn from the story of the Prodigal Son.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Covenant: The Prodigal Son Week 4

This week, check out two different online games.  Both can be tailored to your child(ren)'s developmental level.  One is a word matching game and the other is a jigsaw puzzle, but both point back to the story of the prodigal son.

Matching Game
Jigsaw Puzzle

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Covenant: The Prodigal Son Week 3

This week enjoy two different printable books which tell the story of the prodigal son.  Print, color, assemble, read together, share!

For Younger Kids
For Older Kids Part 1
For Older Kids Part 2

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Covenant: The Prodigal Son Week 2

This week we encourage you to share the gospel at home by talking about forgiveness.  The story of the prodigal son is a picture of our walk with our saving Lord.  Apart from Him we would make only poor choices leading us to a sinful life of destruction.  But thankfully, even when we wander, He welcomes us home with open arms.  To help you teach this very important lesson at home, we are providing a link with instructions to make a craft similar to the one shown above.  The pattern uses a scripture verse that is different from our memory verse for this unit.  You can choose to replace the pattern verse with our verse, or use the provided verse as another teaching moment!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Covenant: The Prodigal Son Week 1

As we begin learning about The Prodigal Son, take a look at some of these videos.  They are great ways to review the basics of the story.

The Prodigal Son
Beginner's Bible for Kids Prodigal Son Movie
God's Story: Two Sons and a Father