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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The 12 Disciples: Chosen to Build the Church, Week 3

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit we will be looking at the disciples who were chosen to build God's church here on earth. They were normal, every day men that God used to spread His love and Truth around much of the world. Here are some ways you can reinforce at home what you've learned in Family Quest:

1) Here's the memory verse, in case you forgot:

And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him.  Mark 1:17-18

2) Pick one of the Gospels (written by one of the disciples) and spend the next few weeks reading it out loud as a family. You can even just read one chapter a day.

Check out these fun, family read alouds: 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The 12 Disciples: Chosen to Build the Church, Week 2

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit we will be looking at the disciples who were chosen to build God's church here on earth. They were normal, every day men that God used to spread His love and Truth around much of the world. Here are some ways you can reinforce at home what you've learned in Family Quest:

                      What Happened to the Disciples?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The 12 Disciples: Chosen to Build the Church, Week 1

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit we will be looking at the disciples who were chosen to build God's church here on earth. They were normal, every day men that God used to spread His love and Truth around much of the world. Here are some ways you can reinforce at home what you've learned in Family Quest:

                        12 Disciples Hands-On Lesson

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Wise vs. Foolish Builder, Week 5

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

In this unit we will be looking at the wise and foolish builders. Those who hear God's words and choose to obey them will be like the wise builder, who built his house in the rock. Here are some ways to continue the learning at home:

                   Wise and Foolish Builders-Messy Fun

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Wise vs. Foolish Builder, Week 4

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

In this unit we will be looking at the wise and foolish builders. Those who hear God's words and choose to obey them will be like the wise builder, who built his house in the rock. Here are some ways to continue the learning at home:

                     Wise and Foolish Builders-Lego