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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What to do With All Those Christmas Cards?!?!

Has your mailbox been full of beautiful family Christmas cards? Do you ever wonder what to do with them once the season is over? Here's a great idea from our FamilyQuest opening teacher, Mrs. Jess Corkern:

Children (and adults) are so busy and excitable during the Christmas season.  Shopping, concerts, Christmas parties, and busyness sometimes greatly impact a family's normal schedule.  Sometimes we seem to actually   breathe a sigh of relief when we are able to get back to some normalcy when the rush of the Christmas season passes.  Here is a devotional idea for you to do with your children to spend additional time reiterating what the season is actually about.  Remember all the Christmas cards, texts, and Facebook greetings that you got before Christmas?  You opened the card, oohed and aahed over pictures included, quickly read the updates on family and friends, and then tossed the card in a stack to be thrown away or recycled when decorations were being packed up.  This year, keep the card and also write down names of all the people who text or give you a Facebook holiday shout out.  When the holiday is over, select one card daily to slowly look at with your family.  Use that time to reconnect with that person but primarily use it as a time to pray for that person.  When our daughters were young, they would enjoy hearing stories of how their parents knew people that were unfamiliar to them.  It was a great opportunity to share challenges walked together, answered prayers that had been seen, and precious times shared.  We would then lift that family up in prayer being sure to pray for specific needs if known and praying for God to bless and use them in the upcoming year.  Now in this age of social media, it would be especially sweet to notify the friend and let them know that they had specifically been remembered in this way.  Or, your children could make them a card or picture to be mailed to them to let them know they'd been thought about during your family devotions.   Whether a family member, friend, or even a business, letting them know what you have done will inspire and bless them! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Gideon, Week 5

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit, we will be looking at Gideon. When we first meet Gideon he is hiding out, frustrated that God has abandoned His people. When God meets with him, he calls him Mighty Warrior. Gideon looked nothing like a mighty warrior at the time! BUT GOD can take even the most insignificant member of the weakest tribe and make him a mighty warrior when that man is willing to trust and obey God. God can do the same with you!

This unit's giveaway is a bundle of three Family Night Tool Chest books from Heritage Builders. These books will give you great ideas for family nights that will point you to Christ. It will also be a great way to get in your family devotion or family fun event for the workbook! You can enter to win by leaving a comment on the blog sharing your favorite family fun event you've done so far.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Gideon, Week 4

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit, we will be looking at Gideon. When we first meet Gideon he is hiding out, frustrated that God has abandoned His people. When God meets with him, he calls him Mighty Warrior. Gideon looked nothing like a mighty warrior at the time! BUT GOD can take even the most insignificant member of the weakest tribe and make him a mighty warrior when that man is willing to trust and obey God. God can do the same with you!

Here's a short video you can watch as a family and then discuss:

Gideon's Victory Lap

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Gideon, Week 3

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit, we will be looking at Gideon. When we first meet Gideon he is hiding out, frustrated that God has abandoned His people. When God meets with him, he calls him Mighty Warrior. Gideon looked nothing like a mighty warrior at the time! BUT GOD can take even the most insignificant member of the weakest tribe and make him a mighty warrior when that man is willing to trust and obey God. God can do the same with you!

Here are some fun ideas for remembering the story of Gideon with your family:

In the Dark with Gideon

Friday, November 25, 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Gideon, Week 2

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit, we will be looking at Gideon. When we first meet Gideon he is hiding out, frustrated that God has abandoned His people. When God meets with him, he calls him Mighty Warrior. Gideon looked nothing like a mighty warrior at the time! BUT GOD can take even the most insignificant member of the weakest tribe and make him a mighty warrior when that man is willing to trust and obey God. God can do the same with you!

Here is just one way to help you remember this month's memory verse:

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6b

Write each word of the verse onto a popsicle stick. Have the kids put the verse in order and then read it together three times. Do this once a day until your kiddos (and you!) have it memorized.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Gideon, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit, we will be looking at Gideon. When we first meet Gideon he is hiding out, frustrated that God has abandoned His people. When God meets with him, he calls him Mighty Warrior. Gideon looked nothing like a mighty warrior at the time! BUT GOD can take even the most insignificant member of the weakest tribe and make him a mighty warrior when that man is willing to trust and obey God. God can do the same with you!

Today, here's a short family devotion from Rustin Green:

Imagine this:  Your school is going to participate in a race with another school. The other school is known for their fast runners. Every year they win the track championship. Your principal is going to choose one student to represent your entire school against the other school’s top runner. So, your principal goes to the youngest children, say Kindergarten. Then, out of that grade, the principal chooses the slowest child to run. Does that make sense? No! She would choose the student with the BEST ability. 

In the story of Gideon, we see as one man learns, it is not our ability that matters, but God’s power. God sent a surprising message to an Israelite man named Gideon. The message was that God had chosen Gideon to save the Israelites from the Midianites.

"But Lord," Gideon asked, "how can I possibly save Israel? My family group is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh. And I'm the least important member of my family." - Judges 6:15

Gideon thought there must be some mistake. 
Why would God choose him? 
He was not a warrior.

The Lord answered, "I will be with you. 
So you will strike down the men of Midian all at one time." - Judges 6:16

God promised to be with Gideon. We have heard these words before. God said these same words to Moses (Exodus 3:12) and to Joshua (Joshua 1:5). 
Now He was saying them to Gideon.

It is very important for us to keep our focus on God. Gideon did not have the ABILITY to go to war and defeat a fierce army, but God certainly did! God promised to be with Gideon, and God ALWAYS keeps His promises.

When were you called on to do something that you didn’t think was possible?
What is a promise God has kept to you?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joshua, Week 5

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit we will be learning about Joshua. Joshua was the man chosen to follow Moses as the leader of the Israelites because he believed God's promise to lead them to their new land, even when that land looked impossible to take. Through trust in God, obedience, and choosing God over all the other things around him, Joshua became one of the best leaders the Israelites ever had.

Here's a quick idea for family devotions from FamilyQuest curriculum writer, Heather McSmith:

Does your family struggle to spend time in the Word together? I think we all have, at some point. Our days are busy and full of so many things. It seems like God's word is always the first thing to go. Here's one thing we've done to try and make sure that we get even just a few minutes in the word together each day (not that we get it done every day, but having the plan helps me to be intentional with getting it done!) We bought a Family Reading Bible that has several reading plans in it. We chose the reading plan we want to follow and it provides questions and discussion points for us to follow. Each morning when we sit down to eat breakfast (or you could do it at lunch, dinner, or even bedtime) we read our set of scriptures for that day. Each day is usually about a chapter and includes three fairly easy questions and two questions that make us think a little deeper. It is taking us through the Bible chronologically. All three of us are really enjoying it!

Here are links to two great options for family devotions:
The Bible is My Best Friend
The Family Reading Bible

Also, here's a great way to spend this month being a grateful family. Grab a big pumpkin and a Sharpie. Each night before bed have each family member write one thing they are thankful for on the pumpkin. By the end of the month your pumpkin, and hearts, will be full of thanks!

It's time for another giveaway!!! Today, our giveaway is the book Case for a Creator for Kids by Lee Strobel. This book, written in kid-friendly language, will help answer some of the most common questions people have related to creation and where life came from. It would be great for family devotion time or to read together before bed. For those with older kids, they could read it on their own and you could then discuss what they've read. For a chance to win, leave a comment on this blog sharing your favorite Bible verse.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joshua, Week 4

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit we will be learning about Joshua. Joshua was the man chosen to follow Moses as the leader of the Israelites because he believed God's promise to lead them to their new land, even when that land looked impossible to take. Through trust in God, obedience, and choosing God over all the other things around him, Joshua became one of the best leaders the Israelites ever had.

One of the instructions the Israelites received in Deuteronomy was to write God's words on their doorposts (Deut. 6:9.) One way we do that is to display scripture on our walls. During this unit, each family was able to make a wall hanging of our memory verse for their own homes. Check out these ideas and see if your family can come up with a way to display this month's memory verse, Joshua 24:15, that you can use as a gift this Christmas!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joshua, Week 3

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit we will be learning about Joshua. Joshua was the man chosen to follow Moses as the leader of the Israelites because he believed God's promise to lead them to their new land, even when that land looked impossible to take. Through trust in God, obedience, and choosing God over all the other things around him, Joshua became one of the best leaders the Israelites ever had.

Want a reason to make Rice Krispie treats? That goes with our unit? Then this is the blog link for you!

ingredients for Rice Krispie Treats
Old Paper Towel or toilet paper rolls

First, as a family, make a pan (or two if you want) of Rice Krispie Treats. While that is cooling, head to a comfy place to read the Bible story.

Read Joshua 5:13-6:27. Remind your kiddos about the promise that God had made to the Israelites to give them the Promised Land. Ask these questions:
-What was keeping the Israelites from being able to enter the land? (the wall)
-How big was the wall? (massive, chariots could race on top!)
-What instructions did God give Joshua for taking down the wall? (for six days walk around once a day, on the seventh day walk around seven times then blow the ram's horn)
-Who caused the wall to fall? (God)

Next, grab your Rice Krispie Treats and explain that, to help you remember this story, you're going to build the wall of Jericho from this sweet snack. (Here's an example: Sweet Wall of Jericho) You'll have to decide how you want to cut and place each piece. (They will, hopefully, be sticky enough to stick together.) Once you have built your wall, grab your toilet paper tubes and march, On your last time around blow your "trumpets" as loudly as you can! Since, most likely, God won't knock down this wall, you can knock it down by eating it! (But don't forget to take a picture first and tag it with #cbcfamilyquest!)

Last, sit down as a family to pray. Thank God that He is faithful and keeps His promises. Thank Him for being stronger than anything we will face in our lives. Ask Him to help each of you remember to call on Him in times of joy and trouble.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joshua, Week 2

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit we will be learning about Joshua. Joshua was the man chosen to follow Moses as the leader of the Israelites because he believed God's promise to lead them to their new land, even when that land looked impossible to take. Through trust in God, obedience, and choosing God over all the other things around him, Joshua became one of the best leaders the Israelites ever had.

Here's an idea to help with this unit's memory verse, Joshua 24:15:

Make a puzzle out of the memory verse. This is pretty simple and doesn't take any special skills. Grab a sheet of paper and write the memory verse on it. It helps if you write it fairly large and very neatly so your kiddos can read it. Once it's written on the paper, cut it into puzzle pieces. As a family, put the puzzle together. Then say the verse together three times, out loud. Do this once a day and you'll have your verse memorized in no time!

Here's a link to a song that might help, too: click on the track titled CHOOSE

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joshua, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

During this unit we will be learning about Joshua. Joshua was the man chosen to follow Moses as the leader of the Israelites because he believed God's promise to lead them to their new land, even when that land looked impossible to take. Through trust in God, obedience, and choosing God over all the other things around him, Joshua became one of the best leaders the Israelites ever had.

Here is a fun, hands-on project and lesson about self-control that goes along with the story of Joshua:
Joshua Used Self-Control

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Discipling Our Children: Ideas For Your Home

This is our last week to study Joseph. We hope you have learned a lot and been encouraged by his life.

Enjoy these ideas from Karen Whetstone, one of the members of our curriculum writing team:

Right now we are going through a book called Little Visits with God. Each day has a verse, a story, review questions, and additional Scripture older children can read. We are also very big Adventure in Odyssey fans. You can get free broadcasts online at the Focus on the Family website We usually just play this after devotions for them to listen to before they fall asleep. 

We've also used One Year Devotions for Kids and, of course, the Jesus Storybook Bible and The Beginner's Bible.

I've been wanting to try this great idea of putting the references to memory verses on plastic knives and then you're supposed to have "sword drills" that way seeing if they can remember the verse that goes with that Scripture. We have yet to implement this one, but
we are looking forward to giving it a try.

Today's giveaway is the book Joseph: God's Superhero from the Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt children's series, Discover 4 Yourself. This series takes children through various topics of the Bible using inductive Bible study techniques. Children 5th grade and up can probably do this on their own, but it is also a great resource that you can do one-on-one with your child. To enter the give away, become a follower of the blog and leave a comment about your favorite thing you learned about Joseph in this unit.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joseph, Week 4

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

In this unit we will be studying Joseph. His life had many ups and downs, but he trusted God and saw many miraculous things happen. His obedience allowed him to be used to save his people and the people of Egypt when famine hit the land.

Here are some resources to help you learn more about Joseph:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joesph, Week 3

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

In this unit we will be studying Joseph. His life had many ups and downs, but he trusted God and saw many miraculous things happen. His obedience allowed him to be used to save his people and the people of Egypt when famine hit the land.

Check out these fun projects to help you reinforce at home what we've been learning at FamilyQuest. When you finish your project, take a picture, share it on social media, and tag it #cbcfamilyquest.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joseph, Week 2

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

In this unit we will be studying Joseph. His life had many ups and downs, but he trusted God and saw many miraculous things happen. His obedience allowed him to be used to save his people and the people of Egypt when famine hit the land.

Here's a little video to help your family learn this month's verse:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joesph, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

In this unit we will be studying Joseph. His life had many ups and downs, but he trusted God and saw many miraculous things happen. His obedience allowed him to be used to save his people and the people of Egypt when famine hit the land.

Here is a packet that you can do together as a family, which even includes a game!

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Monday, August 22, 2016

We'll See You on Wednesday!

The Amazing FamilyQuest Race is THIS WEDNESDAY at 6 p.m. You will not want to miss this awesome time as a family. We'll be racing all over the church building as we get a little glimpse of the Old Testament Heroes we'll be studying this year in #cbcfamilyquest. We are looking forward to another great year of learning!

I just wanted to take a moment and share a brief testimony to encourage some of you who may be on the fence about whether or not to attend FamilyQuest this year. This conversation I had with my son I know is partially a result of 6 1/2 years of attending FamilyQuest and learning, through this program, how to be intentional with and have Gospel-centered conversations with my kiddos. Believe it or not, this Gospel conversation was brought up because my son was playing with Legos. And missing his daddy. And wondering if there would be Legos in Heaven. And musing over what he would build in Heaven if there are Legos. So, if you are not sure about bringing your family to FamilyQuest, at least give it a try. I promise it will well worth your time!

I just had a beautiful conversation with Ethan about salvation that I wish I could have recorded. As he was continuing to talk about what he would make with Lego's in Heaven I told him I was praying that someday he would say yes to making Jesus his Savior. He said he wanted to, but wasn't sure he was doing it right. After some talking, he said he knew his reasons for wanting to be a Christian were wrong because his only reason was that he wants to go to heaven. We talked about the fact that there's part of every person that becomes a Christian that wants to go to heaven, that's a great blessing for those of us who are Christians. We talked through the ABC'S and that when we submit to God as our Savior it's because we know we're sinners and need forgiveness and Jesus' blood is our only forgiveness. So we admit we're sinners, believe that Jesus died for us, His blood washes our sin, and we confess our sins, ask for His forgiveness and ask Him to give us a new heart and make us new creations that love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then we prayed together that God would make it clear to him what needs to do and that he would hear and know God's voice when He calls. God is good. God is faithful.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Prayer for Our Students

Can you believe it's time to be sending our students back to school? Where has the summer gone? Here's a prayer for our students as they head back to classrooms, whether those classrooms are in our homes or in a building down the street or across town:

Father, thank You for the gift of education. So many in the world don't have this gift. Thank You that we can learn about this amazing world You've created and the amazing people You've placed in it. As our children head back to the classroom, focus their minds and give them a passion for learning. For our children who have not yet accepted the gift of salvation, open their eyes to see You through the study of this world You have created, even when Your name is not mentioned. For those that have accepted Your gift of salvation, give them the boldness to be salt and light in their classrooms, especially when they learn things contrary to Your word. Teach them to speak truth in love with grace and mercy. Lord, use every lesson to show our precious children that You are real and You alone are the creator of life. Allow science and history to scream Your name as they see the amazing animals You've created and the amazing way You've created the human body. Let Your hand be seen clearly as they look at all the events that have taken place in this world. Lord, like in the book of Esther, though Your name may not be mentioned, let Your hand be seen as sovereign in the events they study. Father, let every lesson be one that is preparing our children for sharing You in whatever calling You give them. May the learn to read and write so they can write Your truth. May they learn science so they can show the world that nothing is here by accident. May they learn history so they can see the way You move and direct the world. Lord, use these days of education to prepare them to serve You in their jobs, in their hobbies, and with every skill and talent You have given them. Do mighty things in and through our children this school year, Lord!

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Prayer for Our Teachers

Has your family prayed for their teachers? Here is a sample prayer you could pray as a family or as parents as the school year starts:

Heavenly Father, thank You for teachers who love learning and love children. Lord, thank You for teachers who love You. Give rest to them each night that they may wake up each morning ready for the day ahead. Give them wisdom as they teach each day. Give those who know You a boldness to share You in word and deed each day, with their students and with their co-workers. When others look at them, let them see You. Father, give them Your eyes to see the needs of each student and Your energy to meet those needs each day. Fill their classrooms with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as You pour these out on Your teachers. Father, enable these teachers to let Your light shine in creative ways so the students in their classrooms will come to know and love You. Lord, as we've seen in the book of Esther, You are in control and You do mighty things, even when Your name is not mentioned! Do this is our schools through the lives of teachers who are saved. Enable them to be salt and light through their words, their actions, and the way they love others as You love them, even when they may not be able to mention Your name. Draw many to You through them.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

School Starts Soon!

Can you believe it's almost time for school to start? Where did the summer go? We are joining you this week in praying for your schools, teachers, and children as they get back into the routine of school. 

What are some fun things you are doing with your last days before school starts? How do you encourage your kids as the year begins? Here are a few ideas for getting off on the right foot as the year begins:

Get everything needed set and ready to go the night before. When everything is set out and ready to go it just makes life smoother the next morning. The kids will know where everything is and there's no mad dash to find things when you should be getting out the door.

Read God's word together. If at all possible, have breakfast together and read a short passage of scripture together as you eat. It can be as simple as reading a Psalm or Proverb a day or you can get a family devotional and go through that. Starting your day focused on the right thing (God) will always be a help.

Pray together before leaving for the day. This one can be hard, especially on those crazy, hectic mornings. But, if you'll stop, take just a few moments to focus on God, all of your days will go better. Not perfect, but better. 

Make the most of the trip to and from school. Deuteronomy tells us we are to be teaching our kids about Christ no matter what we are doing. You can use your time on the way to school to pray over your children's day or something they are specifically worried about. It's a great time to listen to some Christian music and explain anything they don't understand. 

Talk the day over before bed. Ask your kiddos how their day went. Seems easy, but sometimes life gets busy and we forget. Maybe it's over dinner or at bedtime, but find out how their day was, what upset them, what made them smile, what worried them. Take time to pray and thank God for the good moments and ask for His help with those that weren't so great.

Make a prayer and thanksgiving wall. Find a place in your home where your family can list what they are praying for and what they are thankful for each day (or however frequently works best for your family.) As you see a prayer answered, move it over to the thankful column. This will help all of you to see where God is moving.

May the Lord grant each of your families a year of growth, knowing Him more, and ah hunger and thirst for the Lord and His Word!

PS--Don't forget that The Amazing FamilyQuest Race is Aug. 24 at 6 p.m. We'll be starting with lessons Aug. 31. We can't wait to see everyone!

PSS--Here's a Family Fun Event challenge: Create your own version of carpool karaoke. You can do it on the way to school, on the way to church, or just sitting in your driveway. Choose your family's favorite song and bust out your best moves. When you post it, tag it with #cbcfamilyquest (that'll be our tag all year) so we can all enjoy them. Here's a little something to inspire you to make yours!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It's Almost Time!


FamilyQuest will be back with the Amazing FamilyQuest Race on Wednesday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 5. Come join in the fun and see who and what we will be learning about this year! To sign up for supper, please contact the church office. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

God is Building a Place for Us: Heaven, Week 5

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit, we will be learning about heaven, the place that God is building for His children. This unit may bring up a lot of questions for your children, but our staff is always willing to help answer any questions and point you to resources you can use to study this precious topic alongside your children.

Heaven Lesson for Younger Children

Teaching Children About Heaven: Some FAQ's From Children

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

God is Building a Place for Us: Heaven, Week 4

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit, we will be learning about heaven, the place that God is building for His children. This unit may bring up a lot of questions for your children, but our staff is always willing to help answer any questions and point you to resources you can use to study this precious topic alongside your children.

Here is an article with some great ideas on how to talk about Heaven with your children:

         Teaching Kids About Heaven from Thriving Family

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

God is Building a Place for Us: Heaven, Week 3

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit, we will be learning about heaven, the place that God is building for His children. This unit may bring up a lot of questions for your children, but our staff is always willing to help answer any questions and point you to resources you can use to study this precious topic alongside your children.

Here is a fun idea that our education minister, Ron Haye, suggests for your family:

Children guess the price of several items and discover the real price for Heaven. 
Heaven, Salvation
8 small items (see below)
1 Bible, 10 large index cards
1 heaven poster 
[PDF] Click here
Tally sheet for each team or child 
[PDF] Click here
Treats (optional)
Approximately 15 minutes

Purchase 8 items, or find inexpensive items from around the house, like a bottle of lotion, mirror, sponge, candy bar, box of soap, etc. Give each item a value (price) close to the actual cost and write it down in black ink on one side of a large index card. On the other side in red ink, write down an estimated amount that is either slightly higher or slightly lower than the actual price. Try to have about half of the estimated amounts higher, and half lower. Fold the index cards into tents so the red estimated amounts are showing.
Make a card for the Bible also, with the actual value being what the Bible may have actually cost, and the estimated amount slightly higher. Then make a card for the heaven poster, with the actual value being $0 and the estimated amount $10,000.
Display all 10 items in a row on a table with the Bible in the 9th spot and Heaven in the 10th spot as shown in the following example:

Pair up the kids, or make small teams and give each team a tally sheet. (You can also do this individually, but the kids will have more fun working together) As you point to the first item, have the kids decide if the price shown is higher or lower than the actual price. Have them check the box accordingly on their tally sheet. Once they have made their choice, turn over the card to show the actual price and see if they got it right. Do the same for the rest of the items, one by one, as the kids keep score. Ham it up as a game show host might do, describing each item, etc.
Have the kids guess if the actual price of the Bible is higher or lower, but before revealing the actual price, stop to see how well the kids are doing so far. Ask if any team got eight correct, seven, six, etc. Then turn over the Bible price. Whether the kids said the actual price is higher or lower doesn’t really matter. Explain that even a Bible has a price, and can be bought.

Last, have them guess if the actual price for Heaven is higher or lower than $10,000. The price of Heaven is important. Tell the children not to consider only the poster, but Heaven being the real thing. Most likely, some of the teams will guess that the price of heaven is higher, much higher than $10,000. Some adults may too. As you turn over the card to reveal the actual price of $0, explain how Heaven is absolutely free. Not even one hundred thousand million dollars can buy Heaven. Did anyone get that right? Give a special treat to anyone who did.

Here are some resources that may help you talk to your children about this subject:

Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn

Tell Me About Heaven by Randy Alcorn

Heaven: God's Promise for Me by Anne Graham Lotz

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

God is Building a Place for Us: Heaven, Week 2

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit, we will be learning about heaven, the place that God is building for His children. This unit may bring up a lot of questions for your children, but our staff is always willing to help answer any questions and point you to resources you can use to study this precious topic alongside your children.

Here is a post from our children's pastor, Doug Merrell:

         Whenever the subject of heaven comes up my thoughts and attention always goes to the words and advice of two of my favorite Christian theologians: Max Lucado and Psalty the Singing Songbook.
         Mine and Amy’s favorite children’s book is “Just In Case You Ever Wonder” by Max Lucado.  This book is about a parent telling their child how special they are to them and God.  The last few pages of the book ends with these words.  “And God wants me to make sure you know about heaven.  It’s a wonderful place.  There are no tears there.  No monsters.  No mean people.  You never have to say good-bye,” or “good-night,” or “I’m hungry.”  You never get cold or sick or afraid.  In heaven you are so close to God that He will hug you, just like I hug you.  It’s going to be wonderful.  I will be there, too.  I promise.  We will be there together, forever.  Remember that… just in case you ever wonder.”  Thank you, Max, for putting down in words what God has put in my heart.
         Jesus once said that we need to come to him with faith like a little child; therefore, I find myself seeking, not the complicated, but the simple.  In scene six of the children’s musical “Kids Praise! An Explosion of Happiness!” by Ernie Rettino and Debby Kerner, a little boy named Tim asks this. “Psalty, do you know anything about heaven?”  Psalty responds, “Sure, I know that Jesus is there and if He’s there it must be a wonderful place.”  Simple…. Jesus is there!  It’s a wonderful place!
        John 14:2-3 (HCSB) says, “In my Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you.  I am going away to prepare a place for you.  If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to myself, so that where I am you may be also.”  Eternity with Jesus, praising God. What could be more wonderful?

                                                                                                                                              Mr. Doug  

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

God is Building a Place for Us, Week 1

Our theme for the year is Built to Obey. We'll be looking at lots of different people in the Bible who were given seemingly impossible tasks, but they chose obedience and God did amazing things through them!  We'll be learning this year that obedience is hardobedience is specificobedience is a choiceobedience is a witness, and obedience brings blessings.

During this unit, we will be learning about heaven, the place that God is building for His children. This unit may bring up a lot of questions for your children, but our staff is always willing to help answer any questions and point you to resources you can use to study this precious topic alongside your children.
Here is a devotion from CBC Youth Minister, Rustin Green:

But won't heaven get boring...
The gambler had not expected to be here. But on reflection, he thought he had shown some kindness in his time. And this place was even more beautiful and satisfying than he had imagined. Everywhere there were magnificent crystal chandeliers, the finest handmade carpets, the most sumptuous foods. He tried his hand at roulette, and amazingly his number came up time after time. He tried the gaming tables and his luck was nothing short of remarkable: He won game after game. Indeed his winnings were causing quite a stir, attracting much excitement from the attentive staff.
This continued day after day, week after week, with the gambler winning every game, accumulating bigger and bigger earnings. Everything was going his way. He just kept on winning. And week after week, month after month, the gambler's streak of success remained unbreakable.
After a while, this started to get tedious. The gambler was getting restless; the winning was starting to lose its meaning. Yet nothing changed. He just kept on winning every game, until one day, the now anguished gambler turned to the angel who seemed to be in charge and said that he couldn't take it anymore. Heaven was not for him after all. He had figured he was destined for the "other place" nonetheless, and indeed that is where he wanted to be.
"But this is the other place," came the reply.
(That is my recollection of an episode of The Twilight Zone that I saw as a young child.)
Have you ever worried that you might grow bored in heaven, that things may lose their luster or taste, that the whole novelty and intrigue of heaven might fade as do most things on earth? When you sing, “When we’ve been there ten thousand years . . . we’ve no less days to sing his praise than when we’d first begun,” do you wonder whether or not to be encouraged by such a statement?
Sure, eternal life sounds wonderful at first. But unless you have a firm grasp on what the Bible has to say about eternal life, you may begin to wonder. “Eternity really is a long time,” you might think. “Is this something I really desire? After ten million years, will I really have the same desire I once had to go on existing here?”
Sure, the Bible says you will have a resurrected body far better than anything you knew on earth. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, says that your body will be stronger, fuller, more spiritual, more glorious, and everlasting. Your delight, your knowledge, your intellect, and all your affections will be renewed and restored so that you might enjoy Christ with perfected bodies.
So far so good. But that still doesn’t solve the problem of complacency. Isn’t it still possible that the joy will fizzle out?
In heaven, your capacity for joy will never cease to grow. Your capacity for love, knowledge, understanding, and joy are ever-expansive, progressive, incremental. Never-ending. The implications of this are staggering.
First, it halts any idea of heaven becoming boring, static, or all-too-familiar. How can it? If your ability to enjoy God and his gifts are always expanding, your perception of heaven will always be fuller, deeper, and richer. You will never look upon the same reality twice without some new way in which to enjoy it. You will look at each day through some new lens, where you see more clearly, understand more fully, and feel more deeply the truest joy — ever-increasing, ever-full joy for all eternity.
How, you may ask, is this possible? Won’t you run out of things to enjoy after ten million years?
Because God is infinite, he can be infinitely enjoyed. Jesus Christ is not concerned about running out of ways to keep up with your ever-increasing ability to enjoy him. His character is endlessly deep, unsearchable, and inexhaustible. Imagine the scope of the entire universe: trillions of shining stars, burning brighter than the sun; magnificent constellations; billions of spinning galaxies, all magnificent and vast, colorful and mysterious. Yet, they are finite. Brilliant, though they are, they fall utterly short in comparison to the breadth, length, height, and depth of the love of Christ. His love, grace, kindness, wisdom, power, and mercy each stand as never-ending, infinite universes for all your affections to delight in.
Here’s the other cool thing. If God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him, the ever-increasing enjoyment of God for all eternity will simultaneously become the ever-increasing glorification of himself.
Now when you sing, “When we’ve been there ten thousand years,” you have no need of dread or doubt. You will not be the same person as you once were. After ten thousand years, you will look back and say, “How little I knew of him then. How much I have grown in my love for him. Yet, how much more I still have yet to know of his character!”