This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
During this unit we will be learning about Joshua. Joshua was the man chosen to follow Moses as the leader of the Israelites because he believed God's promise to lead them to their new land, even when that land looked impossible to take. Through trust in God, obedience, and choosing God over all the other things around him, Joshua became one of the best leaders the Israelites ever had.
Want a reason to make Rice Krispie treats? That goes with our unit? Then this is the blog link for you!
ingredients for Rice Krispie Treats
Old Paper Towel or toilet paper rolls
First, as a family, make a pan (or two if you want) of Rice Krispie Treats. While that is cooling, head to a comfy place to read the Bible story.
Read Joshua 5:13-6:27. Remind your kiddos about the promise that God had made to the Israelites to give them the Promised Land. Ask these questions:
-What was keeping the Israelites from being able to enter the land? (the wall)
-How big was the wall? (massive, chariots could race on top!)
-What instructions did God give Joshua for taking down the wall? (for six days walk around once a day, on the seventh day walk around seven times then blow the ram's horn)
-Who caused the wall to fall? (God)
Next, grab your Rice Krispie Treats and explain that, to help you remember this story, you're going to build the wall of Jericho from this sweet snack. (Here's an example: Sweet Wall of Jericho) You'll have to decide how you want to cut and place each piece. (They will, hopefully, be sticky enough to stick together.) Once you have built your wall, grab your toilet paper tubes and march, On your last time around blow your "trumpets" as loudly as you can! Since, most likely, God won't knock down this wall, you can knock it down by eating it! (But don't forget to take a picture first and tag it with #cbcfamilyquest!)
Last, sit down as a family to pray. Thank God that He is faithful and keeps His promises. Thank Him for being stronger than anything we will face in our lives. Ask Him to help each of you remember to call on Him in times of joy and trouble.
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