This blog is designed to assist parents in teaching the concepts introduced in FamilyQuest each week. Parents, you are your child's most important teacher!
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Friday, December 15, 2017
Christmas Break is Almost Upon Us!
I knew it was bound to happen. It took three units, but it finally happened. I forgot to post this week! So, I apologize that there was no Week 5 of Ezekiel this week! Thanks for your grace and forgiveness!
Can you believe that we're almost to the end of 2017?!? Each year goes by a little faster. Or so it seems. In just a few days your kiddos will be out of school and there will be lots of time for fun and family and silliness. Here are some things you can use for some of your family fun the next few weeks. And, don't forget to join us a t church on New Year's Even from 7 p.m.-whenever you decide to leave for some fun and fellowship!
Family Night: The Grinch
Minute to Win It:Kid Style
Christmas Bingo
Christmas Craft Ideas
Children's Christmas Jokes
While the kids wait for dinner...
What are some of your favorite Christmas activities? Toss out your ideas and we can all help each other celebrate this season with joy and family fun!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
The Word of God: Ezekiel, Week 4
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
Let's face it, there are some books of the Bible that are just harder to read or understand than others. Ezekiel is probably one of those books for most people. It's a book about a prophet, asked by God to do some strange things, but he chose to trust God and obey by doing what was asked. No matter how weird it might have seemed to him or those around him.
Here's some more information on teaching your kiddos about the book of Ezekiel:
Ezekiel and the Valley of Bones
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The Word of God: Ezekiel, Week 3
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
Let's face it, there are some books of the Bible that are just harder to read or understand than others. Ezekiel is probably one of those books for most people. It's a book about a prophet, asked by God to do some strange things, but he chose to trust God and obey by doing what was asked. No matter how weird it might have seemed to him or those around him.
Check out The Bible Project's information on the book of Ezekiel. This has some good, basic information to help your family understand a little more about this special book of the Bible.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Giving Thanks
Can you believe it is already almost Thanksgiving?!? Here are some ideas for your family to use as you talk about the things the Lord has done for you over the last year:
Fingerprint Tree
Today I am Thankful for...
Tree of thanks for the wall...
Enjoy your family time this week (lots of opportunity for those Family Fun Events and Family Service Projects!) May the Lord give you eyes to see the many gifts He has given your families this year!
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The Word of God: Ezekiel, Week 2
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
Let's face it, there are some books of the Bible that are just harder to read or understand than others. Ezekiel is probably one of those books for most people. It's a book about a prophet, asked by God to do some strange things, but he chose to trust God and obey by doing what was asked. No matter how weird it might have seemed to him or those around him.
Check out these sites for ideas to keep teaching about Ezekiel at home:
The Bible Project: Ezekiel Video
Ezekiel Lesson for Kids
Ezekiel: Man of Visions
Dry Bones Children's Sermon
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
The Word of God: Ezekiel, Week 1
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
Let's face it, there are some books of the Bible that are just harder to read or understand than others. Ezekiel is probably one of those books for most people. It's a book about a prophet, asked by God to do some strange things, but he chose to trust God and obey by doing what was asked. No matter how weird it might have seemed to him or those around him.
Memory Verse
This unit's memory verse is Ezekiel 3:10: And he said to me, “Son of man, listen carefully and take to heart all the words I speak to you."
We don't have a song that goes with this verse (but, thankfully, it's short, so it shouldn't take too long to learn!), but we do have a song that will help us understand the importance of God's word as it points us to Jesus: Agency D3: God's Son
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The Psalms: Week 5
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
In this 5-week unit we'll be studying the book of Psalms. This book, a collection of songs, has the most chapters of any books in the Bible. Many of the Psalms were written by King David, but there were many other authors, as well. Come join us each week as dig into a different Psalm.
Here are some options for books/devotionals that will help your family dig into the Word even more!
Found: Psalm 23 by Sally Lloyd Jones
The Ology by Marty Machowski
The New City Cathecism
Old Story New: 10 Minute Devotionals by Marty Machowski
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
The Psalms: Week 4
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
In this 5-week unit we'll be studying the book of Psalms. This book, a collection of songs, has the most chapters of any books in the Bible. Many of the Psalms were written by King David, but there were many other authors, as well. Come join us each week as dig into a different Psalm.
One of the most famous passages of scripture is found in the book of Psalms. Can you guess what it is? That's right! Psalm 23! This is a great passage of scripture to commit to memory as a family. Here are some videos to help you get started on putting these verses in your heart!
Let's Learn Psalm 23 Together!
Kids Learn Psalm 23
Psalm 23 Sign Language
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
The Psalms: Week 3
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
In this 5-week unit we'll be studying the book of Psalms. This book, a collection of songs, has the most chapters of any books in the Bible. Many of the Psalms were written by King David, but there were many other authors, as well. Come join us each week as dig into a different Psalm.
There are a lot of chapters in the book of Psalms. Like 150. Seriously! But there is some good stuff there. There isn't really any other book in the Bible where the whole range of human emotions and thoughts is so clearly on display! Any thought you've ever had is probably recorded somewhere in those 150 chapters. Joy. Peace. Anger. Bitterness. Confusion. Gratefulness. Relief. Praise. Yep, those, and much more, are all there.
Because of that, this book can be overwhelming and might be hard to figure out how to teach to children. Here's a great website with LOTS of ideas. It's got ideas for everything from a prayer journal (which is so fun to start and keep them going and you'll all be able to see how much the Lord has grown and changed them through the years!) to some fun games and worksheets!
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
The Psalms: Week 2
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
In this 5-week unit we'll be studying the book of Psalms. This book, a collection of songs, has the most chapters of any books in the Bible. Many of the Psalms were written by King David, but there were many other authors, as well. Come join us each week as dig into a different Psalm.
You probably know more Psalms than you think because many have been used in songs. Which, of course, makes sense, because this is a book of songs that were sung by the children of Israel. Here are just a few that you might know (and they'll make for a great addition to your family worship time or even a family dance time!) Listen to the songs and see if you can find the Psalms on which they are based or that they are quoting. (You might have to use your smart phone or a website like When you find the Psalm, read it out loud together. For extra fun, see what other scripture verses you can find in these songs! (HINTS: You might want to look in the books of Isaiah and Matthew, though there are probably others, too!)
Better is One Day
Give Us Clean Hands
Ever Be
Today is the Day
God You Reign
It Is Well With My Soul
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
The Psalms: Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
In this 5-week unit we'll be studying the book of Psalms. This book, a collection of songs, has the most chapters of any books in the Bible. Many of the Psalms were written by King David, but there were many other authors, as well. Come join us each week as dig into a different Psalm.
The memory verse for this unit (Psalm 119:9-11) is a little longer, so here are some songs to help you learn it! (They aren't exact, but we hope they'll be helpful!) This is a great verse to remember because it tells us why we need to memorize God's word.
As you listen to the songs and practice your verse, let your kiddos create some actions that will help them remember the words. (Just a fun side story, my youngest learned this verse because we would say it to him as he brushed his teeth. We would say it three or four times and when we were done, then he knew he had brushed his teeth long enough. He also learned the verse after hearing it that many times!)
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
How the Bible Came to Be, Week 5
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
During this unit, we'll look at how the Bible, as we know it, came to be. We'll learn the names of the books in the Bible, how it was written down, and some of the ways technology has helped more people to get the Bible in their languages. They will also learn that, unlike many other spiritual texts, the Bible was written by many different people over thousands of years.
Looking for some Bible options for family devotions or for your children to read on their own? Here are a few:
Family Reading Bible
Jesus Storybook Bible
The Adventure Bible for Young Readers
The Big Picture Interactive Bible
Teen Bible (would be good for tweens, too!)
Journaling Bible
The Beginner's Bible
My First Hands-On Bible
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
How the Bible Came to Be, Week 4
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
During this unit, we'll look at how the Bible, as we know it, came to be. We'll learn the names of the books in the Bible, how it was written down, and some of the ways technology has helped more people to get the Bible in their languages. They will also learn that, unlike many other spiritual texts, the Bible was written by many different people over thousands of years.
Trying to help your kiddos be part of the 66 Book Club? These might help!
Slugs and Bugs Old Testament Books
Slugs and Bugs New Testament Songs
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
How the Bible Came to Be, Week 3
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
During this unit, we'll look at how the Bible, as we know it, came to be. We'll learn the names of the books in the Bible, how it was written down, and some of the ways technology has helped more people to get the Bible in their languages. They will also learn that, unlike many other spiritual texts, the Bible was written by many different people over thousands of years.
Our memory verse this unit reminds us that God's word is useful for a lot of things in our lives, but it can't be useful if we don't read it! Here are some ideas and tips for helping your kiddos begin to read the Word regularly:
Ideas from Seeds Family Worship
Download a Free Reading Plan
Tips for Encouraging Your Children to Read the Word on Their Own
Monday, September 4, 2017
How the Bible Came to Be, Week 2
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
During this unit, we'll look at how the Bible, as we know it, came to be. We'll learn the names of the books in the Bible, how it was written down, and some of the ways technology has helped more people to get the Bible in their languages. They will also learn that, unlike many other spiritual texts, the Bible was written by many different people over thousands of years.
Need some help learning this unit's memory verse? (By the way, it's 2 Timothy 3:16-17!) Well, looknot further!
A song to help you remember....
Here's a more girly sound...
Learn the sign language for this verse!
Monday, August 28, 2017
How the Bible Came to Be, Week 1
This year in FamilyQuest we'll be studying the word of God. We'll learn how it came to be, study some of the books of the Bible, and even study some of the bigger concepts found in the Bible.
During this unit, we'll look at how the Bible, as we know it, came to be. We'll learn the names of the books in the Bible, how it was written down, and some of the ways technology has helped more people to get the Bible in their languages. They will also learn that, unlike many other spiritual texts, the Bible was written by many different people over thousands of years.
Here is a good video that gives an introduction to families about what the Bible is: The Gospel Project for Kids
Also, if you're looking for a great way to teach your kiddos about the whole Bible, and learn a few things yourself, check out What's in the Bible?
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesdays as we learn more and more about this precious book God has given us to know more about Him!
Monday, August 21, 2017
We're Baaaaaaaaack!
That's right! Starting this Wednesday (August 23) FamilyQuest is back! We're starting with The Amazing FamilyQuest Race at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary. There will be no meal this week, so just be in the sanctuary by 6.
Still not totally sure what FamilyQuest is? Have no fear, we have a video that explains it all!!!
Just click the words below and you can see what the fun is all about! We hope to see you Wednesday!
Still not totally sure what FamilyQuest is? Have no fear, we have a video that explains it all!!!
Just click the words below and you can see what the fun is all about! We hope to see you Wednesday!
Sunday, June 4, 2017

How are your families doing this summer? We sure have missed being together for #cbcfamilyquest this summer. Hopefully we'll be seeing most of you at VBS this week and then for Sno Cone Tuesdays the rest of the summer.
In just about two weeks we'll be meeting for the first time to start planning, writing, and preparing next year's lessons and we are super excited!
In the meantime, we'll just leave this link to a post here to hopefully encourage you to be faithful and persistent in praying for your children and your family this summer:
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Esther, Week 5

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Esther. Esther, given favor by those in the King's house, was chosen as queen, though she was an orphan and a Jew. Once told of the horrible plan to rid the country of her people, and reminded of the importance of obedience and speaking up for those who have no voice, Esther did two things we need to do when faced with similar situations: she sought God and she chose obedience. Esther risked her life to save the lives of her people. Though she was "inside the gate" there were many "outside the gate" who were depending on her to speak up and save their lives. As believers, we, too, are "inside the gate" and there are millions "outside the gate" who need to hear the truth about God that will bring salvation to their souls. Will your family do as Ester did: seek God and choose obedience?
Read through the book of Esther as a family. You can read a chapter a day, a few verses a day, whatever works for your family. Talk about the story, how your life is different than Esther's, look for ways your life is the same. Take note of Esther's reactions and how our reactions are similar or different. You can use the activity pages in your FamilyQuest notebook as you read.
Here is a great resource for your tweens: Esther Inductive Bible Study for Kids.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Esther, Week 4

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Esther. Esther, given favor by those in the King's house, was chosen as queen, though she was an orphan and a Jew. Once told of the horrible plan to rid the country of her people, and reminded of the importance of obedience and speaking up for those who have no voice, Esther did two things we need to do when faced with similar situations: she sought God and she chose obedience. Esther risked her life to save the lives of her people. Though she was "inside the gate" there were many "outside the gate" who were depending on her to speak up and save their lives. As believers, we, too, are "inside the gate" and there are millions "outside the gate" who need to hear the truth about God that will bring salvation to their souls. Will your family do as Ester did: seek God and choose obedience?
Here are some fun ways to keep studying Esther and learning from this story:
Esther Story Masks Print out these masks and act out the story as a family.
Esther Devotion for Tweens
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Esther, Week 3

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Esther. Esther, given favor by those in the King's house, was chosen as queen, though she was an orphan and a Jew. Once told of the horrible plan to rid the country of her people, and reminded of the importance of obedience and speaking up for those who have no voice, Esther did two things we need to do when faced with similar situations: she sought God and she chose obedience. Esther risked her life to save the lives of her people. Though she was "inside the gate" there were many "outside the gate" who were depending on her to speak up and save their lives. As believers, we, too, are "inside the gate" and there are millions "outside the gate" who need to hear the truth about God that will bring salvation to their souls. Will your family do as Ester did: seek God and choose obedience?
Check out these videos to help you understand the book of Esther a little more:
Esther Popsicle Stick Theatre
Overview of Esther
The Story of Esther
What's in the Bible Sings About Esther
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Esther, Week 2

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Esther. Esther, given favor by those in the King's house, was chosen as queen, though she was an orphan and a Jew. Once told of the horrible plan to rid the country of her people, and reminded of the importance of obedience and speaking up for those who have no voice, Esther did two things we need to do when faced with similar situations: she sought God and she chose obedience. Esther risked her life to save the lives of her people. Though she was "inside the gate" there were many "outside the gate" who were depending on her to speak up and save their lives. As believers, we, too, are "inside the gate" and there are millions "outside the gate" who need to hear the truth about God that will bring salvation to their souls. Will your family do as Ester did: seek God and choose obedience?
Here are some links to help you remember this month's memory verse:
Wherever You Go
Joshua 1:9
Josh. 1:9 with Motions
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Esther, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Esther. Esther, given favor by those in the King's house, was chosen as queen, though she was an orphan and a Jew. Once told of the horrible plan to rid the country of her people, and reminded of the importance of obedience and speaking up for those who have no voice, Esther did two things we need to do when faced with similar situations: she sought God and she chose obedience. Esther risked her life to save the lives of her people. Though she was "inside the gate" there were many "outside the gate" who were depending on her to speak up and save their lives. As believers, we, too, are "inside the gate" and there are millions "outside the gate" who need to hear the truth about God that will bring salvation to their souls. Will your family do as Ester did: seek God and choose obedience?
Here's a great family devotion that goes along with this unit:
Do Not Keep Silent
By Stephanie Bartlett
Esther’s name means “star,” and Esther was the star of this story. She was a young, beautiful Jewish girl who lived in the kingdom of Persia. She lived during a time when the Jewish people were free to return to their native land of Israel after the Babylonian captivity, but many Jews had chosen not to return but to stay in the cities in which they presently lived. After all, many Jews, like Esther, had been born and raised in these foreign cities; the places in which they lived were home to them. They knew no other home. Stories of the Promised Land had become merely stories told by their grandparents.
In fact, the Jews were in danger of forgetting that they were God’s special people. Maybe they were tired of being looked down upon or tired of feeling different from the people around them. So, after over a century of exile from their own land, they began to blend in. They realized that if they kept their mouths shut and did not say anything about being Jewish, people could not tell they were any different from the other people. How do I know that? Because when Esther was taken to be in the king’s beauty contest, Mordecai instructed her not to tell anyone that she was a Jew. Mordecai knew that she would never win the contest if anyone knew she was a Jew. Has there been a time in your life when you believed it would be better to hide the fact that you know God and follow his commandments so that you could fit in with the people around you? Was the result the peace you were looking for?
When I was about ten years old, I watched a movie at a friend’s house that I knew I wasn’t supposed to watch. I watched it instead of saying no because I didn’t want my friend to think I was weird. Do you think everything was good after that? No, it wasn’t. Proverbs 29:25 tells us that the fear of man will prove to be a snare, a trap. And it is true. I was always a little scared to go back to my friend’s house after that, and I felt uncomfortable when I was there. The next time I did not want to watch a movie that she chose, it was awkward to explain why I did the first time. Imagine how much courage it took for Esther not to keep silent, but to say to King Xerxes, who had just authorized the command to destroy all the Jews, “Um, uh. . . you didn’t know this little important fact about me when you chose me to be the queen, but, uh. . .I am a Jew.”
Where did Esther get her courage? Consider that God is not even mentioned once in the book of Esther. But does that mean he was not there? God was definitely there. And when Esther and the Jews fasted (Esther 4:16), I am sure they prayed too, and God answered. God gave Esther wisdom and courage. In fact, it is obvious that this was HIS story all along! When his chosen people started to care more about fitting in with the people around them than they cared about him, he allowed an enemy of the Jews to rise up. God used this crisis for the good of his people. He used it to save them and to remind them that “whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe” (The second half of Proverbs 29:25). God used this enemy to unite the Jewish people once again under his Lordship.
Instead of life going smoothly when Esther and the Jews kept quiet about God, their lives were turned upside down. But when they acknowledged God, he showed them exceedingly great favor among all the people. So much favor did he show them that even non-Jewish people wanted to be Jews (Esther 8: 17). When the Jews stood up together and honored God, not everyone, but many people wanted to be like them!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Daniel, Week 5

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Daniel. Daniel did and saw many amazing things in his life, but he never forgot about the One, True God who had loved and saved His people time and time again. Though he risked death, over and over we see Daniel standing up for God in a world that didn't believe in God. Daniel showed respect for authority while also refusing to turn his back on God. His life seems so appropriate for the age in which we live, doesn't it?
Here are some great resources for helping your family memorize scripture, beyond what we are learning in FamilyQuest. There are options for an app, a year long devotional for the family, even some online ways to encourage scripture memory. Knowing God's word is the first step to doing God's word! We can't stand up for God if we don't know who He is or what His word says.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Daniel, Week 4

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Daniel. Daniel did and saw many amazing things in his life, but he never forgot about the One, True God who had loved and saved His people time and time again. Though he risked death, over and over we see Daniel standing up for God in a world that didn't believe in God. Daniel showed respect for authority while also refusing to turn his back on God. His life seems so appropriate for the age in which we live, doesn't it?
Take a week as a family and read through the first six chapters of Daniel. Read just one chapter each day. Ask questions and talk about what you've read each day. You can even use the activity pages in your FamilyQuest workbook as you read through the book of Daniel.
Here's a great resource for your tweens to dig into the book of Daniel: Daniel Inductive Bible Study
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Daniel, Week 3

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Daniel. Daniel did and saw many amazing things in his life, but he never forgot about the One, True God who had loved and saved His people time and time again. Though he risked death, over and over we see Daniel standing up for God in a world that didn't believe in God. Daniel showed respect for authority while also refusing to turn his back on God. His life seems so appropriate for the age in which we live, doesn't it?
We hope you can make great use of these resources to help your kids remember the lessons we're learning from Daniel.
The Lion's Den and Faithfulness
God Saves Daniel from a Den of Lions
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Daniel, Week 2

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Daniel. Daniel did and saw many amazing things in his life, but he never forgot about the One, True God who had loved and saved His people time and time again. Though he risked death, over and over we see Daniel standing up for God in a world that didn't believe in God. Daniel showed respect for authority while also refusing to turn his back on God. His life seems so appropriate for the age in which we live, doesn't it?
How are you coming along with this unit's memory verse?
"He rescues and He saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions." Daniel 6:27
Here are a few ideas for working together to memorize your verse:
-Everyone take turns saying it before dinner each night.
-Get craft sticks and put one word on each stick. Mix them up and take turns putting them back in the right order.
-Create motions to help you remember the verse.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: Daniel, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Daniel. Daniel did and saw many amazing things in his life, but he never forgot about the One, True God who had loved and saved His people time and time again. Though he risked death, over and over we see Daniel standing up for God in a world that didn't believe in God. Daniel showed respect for authority while also refusing to turn his back on God. His life seems so appropriate for the age in which we live, doesn't it?
This week we have a devotion for you from our Minister to Students, Weston Noyes:
Who was he?
Daniel is one of the most popular characters in the Bible. With his famous encounter with King Nebuchadnezzar to being put in the Lion’s Den, Daniel teaches us about the faithfulness that we should all have in God. If God was faithful to Daniel then, He will be faithful to us now.
What happened to him?
Daniel was thrown through various trials throughout his lifetime. There are a couple of specific events to look at to see what Daniel was going through.
- The Fiery Furnace
- Read Daniel 3:19-28
- In this passage we see that three men had trusted that God was the only thing worth worshiping. Due to their lack of worship of Nebuchadnezzar’s golden idol they then faced the fiery furnace. Once in the furnace they did not burn as expected. Instead there appeared to be another individual inside the furnace with them. In this moment God showed that He was with His people even when facing persecution. The application is that God is with us now. There may be times that it feels as if He is not there but the truth of the matter is that He is here now. As believers we have to trust that God is near us both in the good times and in the bad.
- The Lion’s Den
- Read Daniel 6:1-23
- In this passage we see Daniel trusting God even when men were attempting to kill him. We learn two distinct truths from this passage. The first is the faith of Daniel. Even when in times of trouble he trusted that God was going to be with him. The second is that God is more powerful than anyone who stands against. These men are obviously trying to have the king get rid of Daniel but that was not what God’s plan was. God was working a good plan even when man was working an evil one. The lesson that is learned is that God’s plan always prevails. No matter what man plans God’s plan will always be accomplished.
Where do you fit into God’s plan? How have you seen God working in messy situations? How can we better trust that God is working a good plan even when times are hard?
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: David, Week 5

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be talking about David. Most of our lessons will be focused on the epic battle between David and Goliath, but the Bible is full of much more information about the life of Israel's greatest king. He wasn't perfect, but he was a man after God's own heart. We have much to learn from this hero who was human and imperfect, but sought God with his whole heart.
Here are some resources that might be helpful to you as you continue to teach your children about David and Goliath:
Stories of the Bible: David and Goliath
I Can Read: David and Goliath
David and Goliath Floor Puzzle
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: David, Week 4

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be talking about David. Most of our lessons will be focused on the epic battle between David and Goliath, but the Bible is full of much more information about the life of Israel's greatest king. He wasn't perfect, but he was a man after God's own heart. We have much to learn from this hero who was human and imperfect, but sought God with his whole heart.
Here is a short clip of the David and Goliath story:
God's Story: David and Goliath
If you have older children, this might be a good time for a Family Movie Night and you can watch Facing the Giants. You can follow it up with THESE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Old Testament Heroes:David, Week 3

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be talking about David. Most of our lessons will be focused on the epic battle between David and Goliath, but the Bible is full of much more information about the life of Israel's greatest king. He wasn't perfect, but he was a man after God's own heart. We have much to learn from this hero who was human and imperfect, but sought God with his whole heart.
Here is a great guide you can use for teaching your kids the lessons we can learn from the story of David and Goliath:
5 Lessons to Learn from David and Goliath
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: David, Week 2

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be talking about David. Most of our lessons will be focused on the epic battle between David and Goliath, but the Bible is full of much more information about the life of Israel's greatest king. He wasn't perfect, but he was a man after God's own heart. We have much to learn from this hero who was human and imperfect, but sought God with his whole heart.
Here are some ways to work on memorizing this unit's memory verse (2 Samuel 22:2-3a). They aren't all word for word, but they will be great ways to remember these truths!
The Lord is my Rock
Freedom Kids The Lord is my Rock
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Old Testament Heroes: David, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be talking about David. Most of our lessons will be focused on the epic battle between David and Goliath, but the Bible is full of much more information about the life of Israel's greatest king. He wasn't perfect, but he was a man after God's own heart. We have much to learn from this hero who was human and imperfect, but sought God with his whole heart.
Here is a fun family devotion by our Worship Pastor, Joshua Tanner:
King David the Musician
When we think of King David, we think of the mighty king that conquered the giant as a small boy and whose army destroyed countless enemies. King David was also a very skilled poet and musician. 1 Samuel 16:16 tells us that King Saul was troubled and called for someone that was a skillful player on the harp to come and play for him. The person chosen was young David.
One of the greatest things to come from the life of David are the Psalms. Seventy four of the 150 Psalms in the Bible were written by David. David prepared this collection of songs and hymns for worship in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Psalms are a book focused on God as our Creator and Promise Keeper. They are still a big part of worshipping God today and give us a way to express our hopes, dreams, and even times of suffering. Many churches uses the Psalms as a main part of their worship. Many individuals use a Psalm each day in their personal worship to God. Let’s take a closer look!
The Psalms fall into five main subjects: Praise, The King David, Praise of God’s Greatness, Lament (sorrow or grief), and Wisdom.
This is the largest section of Psalms. The main subject of these Psalms is that God is to be praised for who He is. Psalm 9 and 29 are a couple of examples of a praise Psalm.
The King David
These are known as the Royal Psalms. These dealt with King David’s rule and his relationship with God. Many of these Psalms correspond with events in his life, Examples include Psalm 57 when David hid from Saul in a cave and Psalm 32 when David received forgiveness for his sin.
Praise of God’s Greatness
These psalms are simply telling God how great He is and thanking God for the great things He has done. Examples of this type of Psalm are Psalm 2 and 18
These are psalms that cry out to God for difficulty in both the persons life and in the country where they lived. Most of these psalms of crying out to God end with a section of praise to God. Examples include Psalm 13 and 60
These psalms talk about knowing and doing the right thing based upon the will of God. Examples of this type of Psalm are Psalm 1 and 49
As I stated earlier David was a skilled poet. Many of the Psalms contain several features of Hebrew poetry. The first is the order of the words. Each line contains two to four words each of which is accented. Many also contain a repetition of a thought. An example of this is Psalm 136 that repeats the phrase, “His love endures forever”. A third poetic element we see are the acrostic Psalms. This means that each verse begins with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Examples are Psalm 9, and 25.
God’s Word is alive to us today. The Psalms speak to our hearts and draw us closer to God. They give us voice to praise and words to be honest and open to God. Now it’s your turn……….to write a Psalm to God! Pick one of the subjects above and - if your brave - try to add in the poetry structure of some of the psalms. If you are up to another challenge start each verse with each letter of the American alphabet. When you are done, feel free to share your Psalms either in the comments here on the blog or on Facebook using the tag #cbcfamilyquestpsalms. We can't wait to see all the ways you praise your Creator!
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