This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit we'll be learning more about Daniel. Daniel did and saw many amazing things in his life, but he never forgot about the One, True God who had loved and saved His people time and time again. Though he risked death, over and over we see Daniel standing up for God in a world that didn't believe in God. Daniel showed respect for authority while also refusing to turn his back on God. His life seems so appropriate for the age in which we live, doesn't it?
Take a week as a family and read through the first six chapters of Daniel. Read just one chapter each day. Ask questions and talk about what you've read each day. You can even use the activity pages in your FamilyQuest workbook as you read through the book of Daniel.
Here's a great resource for your tweens to dig into the book of Daniel: Daniel Inductive Bible Study
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