This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.
In this unit, we will be looking at Ruth. Ruth was from a land that did not believe in God but married into a family did. Before having any children, she was widowed and chose to return with her mother-in-law to the land of her husband. She is now a foreigner in a strange land, with no husband, no children, and no money. Ruth's story is one of God's sovereignty, protection, and love. It is a beautiful picture of God's redemption and love for His people.
Here is a great family devotion written by our very own "Teacher" Terri Hosmer:
Materials Needed: King James Bible and a New Living Translation Bible
Do you like superheroes—you know, imaginary people such as Superman, Captain America, and Ironman? Those kinds
of superheroes aren’t real; we just pretend things about them. We like to pretend that those superheroes are good guys
who use their super powers to rescue people from bad guys and scary situations. But did you know that there is a REAL
man that REALLY does rescue people from bad things? I’ll bet you already know His Name too! His Name is JESUS!!!
Remember, Jesus is God, but He is also a man. He became a man so that He could rescue us from the worst bad guy ever,
the devil. Let’s read Hebrews 2:14 (NLT) to see that.
You probably already know how Jesus died on the cross to save us from eternal death and to take away our sins. You also
probably know Jesus didn’t stay dead, that He rose up from the grave and walked around with His friends on earth for 40
days before He ascended into heaven where He lives today. But did you know that when Jesus rose up from the grave His
Father God gave Him all the power in the whole world?! It’s true. Check it out in Ephesians 1:21 (NLT). Wow, Jesus’
power is FAR above ALL power in this whole world and in the world to come! That really is SUPER POWER!
But now let’s talk about a lady who had power. Her name is Ruth, and you have been studying about her. Did you know
that Ruth was a hero and that she had power? Let’s read Ruth 1:6-16 (either version) to see where Ruth got that power.
(Hint: Pay extra close attention to the end of verse 16!)
Can you guess where Ruth’s power came from? That’s right! Her power came from God! When she said that she was
going to follow God’s ways, He gave her power—enough power to become a hero!
How do we know that God gave Ruth power? We have to look at something Boaz, Ruth’s husband, said to her in the
verse Ruth 3:11. Read that verse in the King James Version so that you can find the word “virtuous”.
Let’s talk about the word, “virtuous”. When Ruth 3:11 was first written down, it was written in the Hebrew language and
the word virtuous in Hebrew means “strong, powerful, or mighty”. We can find almost that same word in a story about
Jesus in Luke 8:46. Read the verse in Luke with the King James Version to find the word “virtue” and then read the same
verse in the New Living Translation to see that the word “virtue” means “power”.
You see! Just like Jesus, Ruth believed God and trusted God. Then God gave her power to be a hero—not just a hero to
her mother-in- law, Naomi, but a hero to all the people of Israel! (Ruth 4:13-17 will tell you more about Ruth being a hero
to her people.)
God’s power working in people is awesome! Did you know that if you believe God and trust in Him, He will give you His
power so that you too can be a hero to your people? It’s true! Let’s go back to Ephesians 1 where we read about Jesus’
SUPER POWER. This time if we start reading at verse 19 (NLT) we can see that God gives those who believe in Him
the same power that Jesus had when He lived here on earth!
So whether you are a girl like Ruth was, or a boy like Jesus was, you can do what they did—believe God and trust God.
Decide to let Him be the boss of your life. God tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 when you do that the SUPER POWER of
Jesus can work through you!
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