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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 5

This week, enjoy a clever song written to tell the story of the Good Samaritan.  Here is the link to the YouTube video  Parents, you may have to explain that the Good Samaritan didn't really ride in on a motorcycle!  :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 4

We hope your Thanksgiving was filled with many opportunities to fellowship with family and friends...and eat some good food!  Because it has been more than one week since we last focused on the story of the Good Samaritan, please review the story this week by looking at some of these online texts.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Week 2013

We aren't meeting this week for FamilyQuest at church because of the Thanksgiving holiday.  But, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to disciple your children at home.   Below you will find several links with idea on how you can help your children focus on God this Thanksgiving.

How Can I Help My Children Focus on God This Thanksgiving?
Age Specific Ways to Help Your Kids Experience Thanksgiving by Focus on the Family
46 Bible Verses That Talk About Giving Thanks
10 Great Thanksgiving Books for Children

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 3

This week, have fun and play a game together as you review the story of the Good Samaritan.  Print out the game board on pg. 7 of this resource.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 2

Here are two different printable books that tell the story of the Good Samaritan.  Use them as reading practice or read aloud opportunities and be looking for ways to turn a conversation with your child to a spiritual discussion!

Printable Book #2 Cover Page, Inside Pages

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Covenant: The Good Samaritan Week 1

Our new unit focuses on the Good Samaritan.  You may be wondering how and why we decided to put this parable within the theme of Covenant.  I'm glad you asked!

In the Old Testament, God's covenant was predominately revealed to the Jews as God's chosen people.  Yet, when Jesus came to Earth, He spent much of His ministry teaching and demonstrating that God's covenant is for all who will accept Him and choose to follow Him.  The covenant is not just for Jews but for Gentiles as well!  One parable that Jesus used to help teach this expansion of the covenant is the Good Samaritan.  Because we have been loved, we must show love to others...and hopefully we get an opportunity to share the good news of God's covenant!

We encourage you to watch either the Beginner's Bible video version of the Good Samaritan at  or to watch the Veggie Tales version titled "Are You My Neighbor?"

Then spend some time talking about how when Jesus came to Earth God no longer had to send prophets to speak to His people.  Talk about how Jesus was teaching He often used parables like the Good Samaritan.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Covenant: Messengers of the Covenant Week 2

This week we are challenging you to get in the Christmas spirit early!  So many of the familiar Christmas carols we know and love use world from old testament prophecies!

Visit this link to read/listen to the story together as a family.  At certain places throughout the story, it gives you the opportunity to "sing-a-long" with some traditional Christmas carols.

Be sure to talk about how Jesus' birth was just the beginning of how God was going to fulfill The Covenant!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Covenant: Messengers of the Covenant Week 1

This unit focuses on the old testament prophets who foretold about Christ as the fulfillment of The Covenant.  This is a difficult concept for most young children (and even some of the older ones!).  We will be using the following clips in our openings, but thought you might like to revisit them at home during the unit.  These video clips come from a great video series called "What's in the Bible?"  If you haven't seen any of this series, you should definitely check it out! Whats in the Bible “What is a Prophet?” What’s in the Bible “Prophets Timeline” What’s in the Bible “Prophets are like Alarm clocks”

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Covenant: Abraham Week 5

Below you will find links to a printable book.  Print, assemble, then read it together as a family!

Book Pages
Cover Page

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Covenant: Abraham Week 4

This week we encourage you to print and play this file folder game about Abraham.  Use this as an opportunity to review facts from Abraham's story, but also to talk about God's faithfulness to keep his covenant promise!

If you prefer electronic games, you might consider purchasing the android/ios app called "Abraham's Exciting Journey."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Covenant: Abraham Week 3

This week we encourage you to print and assemble "A Tent for Abram and Sarah".  As you are cutting, coloring, and piecing the tent and people together, use this as an opportunity to talk about Abraham's faith.  He trusted God so much that he was willing to pack up his family and travel to an unknown place.  That's true obedience!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Covenant: Abraham Week 2

This week review Abraham's story by enjoying two online slideshows.  Read the text and enjoy the pictures together as a family.  Continue talking with your children about the idea of covenant!

Slideshow #1
Slideshow #2

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Covenant: Abraham Week 1

This week we encourage you to talk with your kids about the word covenant.  The entire 2013-2014 FamiyQuest year will be focused on God's Covenant throughout scripture, and we will begin by looking at God's specific covenant with Abraham.

We encourage you to locate and watch the VeggieTale video, "Abe and the Amazing Promise" together as a family.  Follow up the movie with a discussion using the questions below as discussion starters.

What covenant/promise did God make to Abraham? 

Why would having a baby be unusual for Abraham and Sarah? 

Did God give Abraham what he promised right away? 

What are some times when you had to be patient? 

What can we do if we should be patient, but it is hard to do? 

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Covenant: FamilyQuest 2013-2014

The FamilyQuest blog provides you with excellent resources to equip you to bring the FamilyQuest theme into your home.  Our goal is to help you most efficiently teach and disciple your kids!  We give you links to great videos, games, printables, etc. to extend from church to home the learning you do on Wednesday nights.

This specific blog post is different!  This is just for you!

The 2013-2014 FamilyQuest theme is "The Covenant."  This is such an important Biblical concept and our time on Wednesdays is very limited.  We expect many conversations about what we are studying to happen at home, and we want to equip you with the answers.

During our curriculum planning research, we found the following Bible Study resource that we think is excellent.  We encourage you to check it out.  It is an 11-week study with printable notes and podcasts to listen to and it is completely free!  It is called "Promised Redemption: An 11-week Study of the Biblical Covenants."

Printable Notes for all 11-Weeks
Podcast Week 1
Podcast Week 2
Podcast Week 3
Podcast Week 4
Podcast Week 5
Podcast Week 6
Podcast Week 7
Podcast Week 8
Podcast Week 9
Podcast Week 10
Podcast Week 11

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Test of Faith: Doubting Thomas Unit

This entire unit is focusing on Thomas' test of faith.  Here are some activities you can use to intentionally engage your family in discussing Doubting Thomas.

1.  Watch this video and discuss how Thomas is one of the Disciples and how he is connected to the Easter story. 
2.  Use the template found here to print, color, and put together a tool to use as you share the story of Doubting Thomas.

3.  Use the printable story book below to spread the good news.  Print, color, and assemble.  There are two for you...and one to share!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Test of Faith: Garden of Gethsemane Week 4

As we think about the Easter season, the most important thing we can do is tell others about how Jesus died for them.  But even better, He conquered the grave!

Use the printable story book below to spread the good news.  Print, color, and assemble.  There are two for you...and one to share!

Printable Book Pages

Printable Book Cover

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Test of Faith: Garden of Gethsemane Week 3

As we prepare for Easter in the coming days, use this site to print and make an Easter wreath which tells the full story including:

1. Jesus enters Jerusalem (palm branch and donkey pictures)

2. The Last Supper (bread and wine pictures)

3. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane (praying hands picture)

4. Jesus is Crucified (cross picture)

5. Resurrection (empty tomb picture)

6. Ascension (Jesus in clouds picture)

7. Holy Spirit Comes Down (dove and flames pictures)

It has printable scriptures for you to include and read together as you make this decorative reminder of what Easter is all about.

Easter Wreath

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Test of Faith: Garden of Gethsemane Week 2

This unit we are learning about the Garden of Gethsemane, but praise God that's not the whole story! Help your child(ren) to understand that the story of Jesus praying in the Garden is part of the whole Easter story. Visit the online picture story and read it together! After reading, print out the book mark and use that as a gift for someone who doesn't know about Jesus.

Online Picture Book Story

Printable Bookmark

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Test of Faith: The Garden of Gethsemane Week 1

This unit is all about the test of faith Jesus experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The link below offers a printable puzzle for your child to color and cutout.  It is a picture of Christ in the Garden.  As you work on this puzzle together, be sure to help your child understand the importance of this place and its importance in the Easter story.

Printable Puzzle

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Test of Faith: The Healing Miracles of Jesus - Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5

During this unit we are focusing on five specific healing miracles that Jesus performed as recorded in the New Testament.  Because families progress through FamilyQuest lessons in different orders, we decided we would give you access to all the great Bringing It Home ideas in one blog posting.  That way, you can study more about each miracle in order as you experience it at FamilyQuest.

10 Lepers:
Puppet Retelling
Bible Story Slideshow
Printable Booklet
Watch Veggietales Madame BlueberryPrintable Booklet with Cut and Fold Craft (need to scroll down about half-way to find)
Spinner Craft

Jairus's Daugher:
Bible Story Slideshow
Finger Puppet & Interactive Booklet
Three-Dimensional Cutouts
Printable Booklet with Cut and Fold Craft (need to scroll down about half-way to find)

Centurion's Servant:

Video (only the first 5:52 are focused on the Centurion's Servant...the other time is spent on other healings)

4 Friends Bring a Paralyzed Man to Jesus:

Online Puzzle (you can change the number of puzzle pieces to fit your child's needs)
Printable Storyboard for Retelling
Bible Story Slideshow
Printable Booklet with Cut and Fold Craft (need to scroll down about half-way to find)

Blind Beggar:

Bible Story Slideshow
A Different Bible Story Slideshow
Printable Booklet with Cut and Fold Craft (need to scroll down about half-way to find)

Test of Faith: The Healing Miracles of Jesus - Week 1

This entire unit is about the healing miracles of Jesus.  In just five short weeks, there is no way we can cover all the amazing miracles documented in scripture.  As a family, we encourage you to look beyond the five miracles we have chosen for study during this unit.

You can find a chronological chart of healings at this site:  This website also includes a blank grid template for you to use as a family to record your study of each miracle.

For the little ones, you can print out a coloring booklet bout the miracles of Jesus at: