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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Old Testament Heroes: Joesph, Week 1

This year in FamilyQuest we’ll be looking at some Old Testament heroes of the faith. We’ll see how God took flawed human beings and accomplished great things while showing many, including us, just who He is. These famous heroes faced many hard choices and had to trust God to do miraculous things. We pray that as you study these real, live heroes your families will be encouraged that you, too, can trust God to do the big things that seem impossible to us.

In this unit we will be studying Joseph. His life had many ups and downs, but he trusted God and saw many miraculous things happen. His obedience allowed him to be used to save his people and the people of Egypt when famine hit the land.

Here is a packet that you can do together as a family, which even includes a game!

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Monday, August 22, 2016

We'll See You on Wednesday!

The Amazing FamilyQuest Race is THIS WEDNESDAY at 6 p.m. You will not want to miss this awesome time as a family. We'll be racing all over the church building as we get a little glimpse of the Old Testament Heroes we'll be studying this year in #cbcfamilyquest. We are looking forward to another great year of learning!

I just wanted to take a moment and share a brief testimony to encourage some of you who may be on the fence about whether or not to attend FamilyQuest this year. This conversation I had with my son I know is partially a result of 6 1/2 years of attending FamilyQuest and learning, through this program, how to be intentional with and have Gospel-centered conversations with my kiddos. Believe it or not, this Gospel conversation was brought up because my son was playing with Legos. And missing his daddy. And wondering if there would be Legos in Heaven. And musing over what he would build in Heaven if there are Legos. So, if you are not sure about bringing your family to FamilyQuest, at least give it a try. I promise it will well worth your time!

I just had a beautiful conversation with Ethan about salvation that I wish I could have recorded. As he was continuing to talk about what he would make with Lego's in Heaven I told him I was praying that someday he would say yes to making Jesus his Savior. He said he wanted to, but wasn't sure he was doing it right. After some talking, he said he knew his reasons for wanting to be a Christian were wrong because his only reason was that he wants to go to heaven. We talked about the fact that there's part of every person that becomes a Christian that wants to go to heaven, that's a great blessing for those of us who are Christians. We talked through the ABC'S and that when we submit to God as our Savior it's because we know we're sinners and need forgiveness and Jesus' blood is our only forgiveness. So we admit we're sinners, believe that Jesus died for us, His blood washes our sin, and we confess our sins, ask for His forgiveness and ask Him to give us a new heart and make us new creations that love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then we prayed together that God would make it clear to him what needs to do and that he would hear and know God's voice when He calls. God is good. God is faithful.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Prayer for Our Students

Can you believe it's time to be sending our students back to school? Where has the summer gone? Here's a prayer for our students as they head back to classrooms, whether those classrooms are in our homes or in a building down the street or across town:

Father, thank You for the gift of education. So many in the world don't have this gift. Thank You that we can learn about this amazing world You've created and the amazing people You've placed in it. As our children head back to the classroom, focus their minds and give them a passion for learning. For our children who have not yet accepted the gift of salvation, open their eyes to see You through the study of this world You have created, even when Your name is not mentioned. For those that have accepted Your gift of salvation, give them the boldness to be salt and light in their classrooms, especially when they learn things contrary to Your word. Teach them to speak truth in love with grace and mercy. Lord, use every lesson to show our precious children that You are real and You alone are the creator of life. Allow science and history to scream Your name as they see the amazing animals You've created and the amazing way You've created the human body. Let Your hand be seen clearly as they look at all the events that have taken place in this world. Lord, like in the book of Esther, though Your name may not be mentioned, let Your hand be seen as sovereign in the events they study. Father, let every lesson be one that is preparing our children for sharing You in whatever calling You give them. May the learn to read and write so they can write Your truth. May they learn science so they can show the world that nothing is here by accident. May they learn history so they can see the way You move and direct the world. Lord, use these days of education to prepare them to serve You in their jobs, in their hobbies, and with every skill and talent You have given them. Do mighty things in and through our children this school year, Lord!

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Prayer for Our Teachers

Has your family prayed for their teachers? Here is a sample prayer you could pray as a family or as parents as the school year starts:

Heavenly Father, thank You for teachers who love learning and love children. Lord, thank You for teachers who love You. Give rest to them each night that they may wake up each morning ready for the day ahead. Give them wisdom as they teach each day. Give those who know You a boldness to share You in word and deed each day, with their students and with their co-workers. When others look at them, let them see You. Father, give them Your eyes to see the needs of each student and Your energy to meet those needs each day. Fill their classrooms with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as You pour these out on Your teachers. Father, enable these teachers to let Your light shine in creative ways so the students in their classrooms will come to know and love You. Lord, as we've seen in the book of Esther, You are in control and You do mighty things, even when Your name is not mentioned! Do this is our schools through the lives of teachers who are saved. Enable them to be salt and light through their words, their actions, and the way they love others as You love them, even when they may not be able to mention Your name. Draw many to You through them.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

School Starts Soon!

Can you believe it's almost time for school to start? Where did the summer go? We are joining you this week in praying for your schools, teachers, and children as they get back into the routine of school. 

What are some fun things you are doing with your last days before school starts? How do you encourage your kids as the year begins? Here are a few ideas for getting off on the right foot as the year begins:

Get everything needed set and ready to go the night before. When everything is set out and ready to go it just makes life smoother the next morning. The kids will know where everything is and there's no mad dash to find things when you should be getting out the door.

Read God's word together. If at all possible, have breakfast together and read a short passage of scripture together as you eat. It can be as simple as reading a Psalm or Proverb a day or you can get a family devotional and go through that. Starting your day focused on the right thing (God) will always be a help.

Pray together before leaving for the day. This one can be hard, especially on those crazy, hectic mornings. But, if you'll stop, take just a few moments to focus on God, all of your days will go better. Not perfect, but better. 

Make the most of the trip to and from school. Deuteronomy tells us we are to be teaching our kids about Christ no matter what we are doing. You can use your time on the way to school to pray over your children's day or something they are specifically worried about. It's a great time to listen to some Christian music and explain anything they don't understand. 

Talk the day over before bed. Ask your kiddos how their day went. Seems easy, but sometimes life gets busy and we forget. Maybe it's over dinner or at bedtime, but find out how their day was, what upset them, what made them smile, what worried them. Take time to pray and thank God for the good moments and ask for His help with those that weren't so great.

Make a prayer and thanksgiving wall. Find a place in your home where your family can list what they are praying for and what they are thankful for each day (or however frequently works best for your family.) As you see a prayer answered, move it over to the thankful column. This will help all of you to see where God is moving.

May the Lord grant each of your families a year of growth, knowing Him more, and ah hunger and thirst for the Lord and His Word!

PS--Don't forget that The Amazing FamilyQuest Race is Aug. 24 at 6 p.m. We'll be starting with lessons Aug. 31. We can't wait to see everyone!

PSS--Here's a Family Fun Event challenge: Create your own version of carpool karaoke. You can do it on the way to school, on the way to church, or just sitting in your driveway. Choose your family's favorite song and bust out your best moves. When you post it, tag it with #cbcfamilyquest (that'll be our tag all year) so we can all enjoy them. Here's a little something to inspire you to make yours!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It's Almost Time!


FamilyQuest will be back with the Amazing FamilyQuest Race on Wednesday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 5. Come join in the fun and see who and what we will be learning about this year! To sign up for supper, please contact the church office.